Roots of Passage
Roots of Passage is grounded in the rich tradition of celebrating the childbearing season of a woman's life as a rite of passage. It signifies the process that occurs as a person becomes an instrument of change while at the same time undergoing a self-transformation - emerging as a Mother. This rite of passage marks a powerful milestone--a specific point and stage of transition in the life of a woman and her family.
My Philosophy
As a Birth Facilitator, I serve women and their families throughout this magical time. I accompany them as they prepare for childbirth, and continue to support them in birth and beyond. I share my wisdom and understanding of birth, breastfeeding, and holistic parenting to advise and support women in their decision making process. As a Prenatal Wellness Consultant, Birth Doula, and Childbirth Guide I provide informational, emotional, and physical support as they embark on this journey. My work is one of nurturing women as they explore their birth visions and walking with them as they uncover their own practices and rituals that will birth these visions into being.

What does a Doula do?
As a Birth Doula I will assist you in preparation for and accompany you in labor. I provide physical, emotional, and educational support. I offer reassurance and perspective to you and your family, make non-medical suggestions for labor progression, and assist with comfort measures and coping techniques such as relaxation, massage, and positioning. I make every effort to provide you with the necessary information so that you and your family are able to make informed decisions when necessary. I will work with you, your partner and care provider to ensure this. I do not perform clinical tasks such as blood pressure or fetal heart monitoring. I am independent and self-employed and I work for you, not your care provider or hospital.
Studies have shown that when one person cares for a laboring person, they are more likely to have a safer, shorter, less expensive and more satisfying birth experience.
Numerous clinical studies have found that a doula’s presence at birth:
results in shorter labors with fewer complications
reduces negative feelings about one’s childbirth experience
reduces the need for cesarean surgery
reduces the need for pitocin (a labor-inducing drug), forceps or vacuum extraction
reduces the mother’s request for pain medication and/or epidurals
Studies have also shown that babies born with doulas present tend to have shorter hospital stays with fewer admissions to special care nurseries, breastfeed more easily, and are able to spend more time bonding with their mothers in the postpartum period.